4 Home Remedies for Treating Constipation!

Liyana S Nair
Zyla Health
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2018



I know how that feels! Constipation gives you a feeling of restlessness and also makes you feel heavy and bloated all the time. And there might also be headaches, coated tongue, foul breath and lack of appetite. So yeah, azaadi na milna, can cause a lot of problems.

Before jumping to the remedies, let’s correlate with the conditions which commonly occur along with constipation:

Signs that you may be constipated:

? Do you get Acne often

A change of soap and face washes are not helping? Now, do you have problem in passing stools ? Like constipation maybe. If you are having constipation then there are chances that the repeated occurrence of acne is due to that. Think about it.

? Do you get Mouth Ulcers

Have you ever seen a connection with the time you are having troubled stomach and acne. You should notice that pattern, because the more troubled your stomach is, the more are the chances of getting mouth ulcers. Who knew, right?

? Do you get Skin Allergies

You’ll be amazed/shocked to know that constipation can be one of the many reasons of having skin allergies. See, a little bit of trouble in the stomach and the whole body can become a land of chaos.

Okay so now enough with the frightening news, let us look for some remedies that can relieve you off constipation in the snap of a finger. And home remedies are always better, right!!!

Here are some really easy remedies!

1. The Power of Triphala -

The oldest trick in the book is the usage of Triphala for constipation. Triphala is a combination of 3 herbs that are really helpful for your body. Almost all the problems related to Constipation can be cured by having Triphala. Take ½ to 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder at night with hot milk or warm water and you will feel the difference.

2. Fruits are Life Savers-

Now let’s explore the power of fruits

#Banana: We all know that we have to take Banana, because obviously it allows the stool to pass smoothly.

#Apple: Eat an apple without peeling off and chew it properly and slowly, an hour before having your meals.

#Pineapple Juice: You can have pineapple juice an hour before your meal as it provides both fluids and water for easy passing of stool.

#Prunes: You can have 5–6 prunes early morning with a glass of warm water. This will make you poop easily :D

# Papaya: You can also go for 15–20 pieces of papaya early morning as it helps regulating bowel movements and softening of stool :) Ta-da !! Yeah, I know. Fruits are just awesome.

3. Fiber — The Ultimate Champ -

Now enters Fiber. Have more foods rich in fiber on your plate as it adds bulk to your stool and makes it easy to pass through intestines. Fruits and leafy green vegetables are rich source of fiber but if you get bored of eating too much fruits and vegetables for fiber, remember wheat bran, oatmeal/oat bran are also very rich sources of Fiber.

4. Isabgol — The All Rounder -

Have you heard of this wonder remedy Isabgol (also known as psyllium husk)? Its a naturally occurring husk that can relieve both constipation and diarrhea :D For constipation take 1 tbsp of Isabgol with warm water or hot milk at bedtime and I am sure you will feel amazing next morning :)

We all know that Constipation is not a chronic disorder, but everything that is not treated in the right way and not at the right time can lead to something or the other. So people, make your stomach work less by more of healthy eating. Happy Life !!!!

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