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Diabetes cure — How to get rid of Diabetes? | Zyla Health


“My reports are here, and it says that I have Diabetes. I feel so helpless and sad. I will never be able to eat my favourite foods again. Doctor, is there a way to reverse or cure it? How to get rid of Diabetes? Can diabetes be cured?”, said a patient who was newly diagnosed with Diabetes.

I understand what you must be going through right now, however, it is important for you to know that diabetes is not reversible. But wait, do not lose hope yet! This is something that we can control throughout our lives in order to prevent its complications.

Diabetes does not only cause physical stress to the body but the amount of mental tension the person goes through in just accepting it is quite challenging.

Mental health experts confirm that stress can also be a factor for the development of diabetes, so yes, before we proceed further, take a few deep breaths, relax, and smile.

Great, you are relaxed now! Read on and find out if there is a cure for diabetes or not.

2 medicine leaves, a few pills and a glucometer on a white background.
Diabetes causes physical and mental stress, both!

The short answer-

Just like the patient here in the above story, there are several people who google, “How to get rid of Diabetes? Can you get rid of diabetes?”… Who wants to reverse diabetes or cure it, but do we really have a permanent cure for diabetes? The answer is ‘NO’.

But don’t feel bad yet! You must have heard, “where there is a will, there is a way”. This is true here as well. Although there is no permanent cure for diabetes, there are treatments for diabetes which can help in the management of your blood sugar levels and prevent its complications.

The treatment for this disorder has progressed far from what it used to be, experts believe that in a few years there will be immunotherapies at least for Type 1 Diabetes.

Immunotherapy is an emerging form of therapy that activates or suppresses the immune system, this field of study has also been used for developing therapies for cancer.

Did you know?

Several studies have been done and it is an established fact that prediabetes is reversible but diabetes is not.

Now you must be thinking about how is that possible and what exactly do we need to reverse prediabetes — just the three warriors — exercise, diet and managing stress.

Prediabetes takes about three-six years to completely transform into diabetes, so that is quite a lot of time to make the necessary changes required.

So when are you planning to get moving on your feet, eating healthy and nutritious foods and living your life to the fullest?

Get started with your health journey today. Download the Zyla app for the right guidance or visit our website- Zyla.in.

What is diabetes and who should care?

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder where the hormone insulin is either not prepared or utilised completely. The former usually refers to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and the latter is the case with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

In either of the above cases, the person’s lifestyle changes completely, they have to constantly monitor their eating and exercise patterns as well as their sugar levels. Some people are able to do this effortlessly and some find it very hard, especially while being in social surroundings.

The risk factors for Type 1 Diabetes can be:

  • Family history
  • Age

The risk factors of Type 2 Diabetes depend on:

  • Weight
  • Age
  • Physical inactivity
  • Family history
  • Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

Lastly, the risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus are:

  • Gestational diabetes during the first pregnancy
  • Being overweight
  • Family history of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Age
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

People who develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) usually are not well educated and increase their risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Quite often the symptoms go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed, leading to a delay in treatment.

Amongst the two above mentioned types of diabetes, a slightly more challenging type is Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Read on to find out more on how to get rid of Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes cure

As of the recent studies, there is no permanent cure for this diabetes, the person usually has to live on insulin therapy for the rest of their lives.

Since type 1 is more of an autoimmune disorder, the focus for its cure is more towards:

  • Combination therapy: Using multiple therapies for the treatment of one disease,
  • Hormone replacement therapy: Hormones given through medicines that alter the hormones within the body and manage symptoms
  • Immunotherapy: Treatment that uses the person’s own immune system to fight diseases

Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes is a big challenge amongst experts now. A biological cure is under research where an attempt is being made to allow the body to start producing its insulin again, hence restoring the body’s ability to utilise the glucose obtained from food.

Along with understanding the future for the treatment of diabetes in general, the current treatment involves:

  • Giving insulin externally
  • Some people may be prescribed oral hypoglycemic drugs along with insulin

Type 2 diabetes cure

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes is available. It is the fastest-growing metabolic disorder and has started to affect people at the age of 20–25, as well. With time, it can create numerous other complications and challenges.

There are several approaches that are available for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, but the answer to “how to get rid of Diabetes?“ is still yet to be discovered. Another approach and rather a simple one involves healthier lifestyle choices including:

  • Exercise
  • Healthier eating patterns
  • Taking best medicines for diabetes as prescribed
  • Follow up with the doctor regularly in order to manage blood sugar levels
Lantus insulin cartridge and insulin pen.
Insulin is mostly prescribed to Type 1 diabetics.

Insulin is mostly used as a treatment of diabetes for patients who are older and cannot adhere to a strict diet.

People who have had a dramatic weight loss have achieved better control over their blood glucose levels, and are present either with minimal or no medicines at all. So the most basic and evident approach towards managing this type of diabetes is to ensure that healthy lifestyle practices are followed.

People with Type 2 diabetes have stopped their medicines completely by improving their lifestyle. They have been able to live a life without any complications that accompany diabetes, but this is a gradual process.

Quite a few of them have also experienced something called remission, where they are able to achieve normal blood glucose levels without medication, only through lifestyle modifications. This was seen in patients for at least 6 months, and if they continued with the same modifications, it went beyond 6 months of the treatment of diabetes.

To learn more about diabetes, medicines and lifestyle, enrol in our program by downloading the Zyla app or visiting our website- Zyla.in.

Now we also have something about gestational diabetes that is as important as the other types, read on to find out more…

Gestational diabetes cure

Just like the other two types, there is no cure for gestational diabetes, however, in most cases, it goes away right after the baby is born, and in cases where the blood glucose levels remain high, the person develops Type 2 diabetes.

The mother should regulate her meal patterns and seek the right guidance regularly.

When blood sugar levels rise beyond control, it can enter the placenta and cause various complications not just to the mother but also to the foetus, some of these are:

  • Preterm birth of the baby
  • A baby that weighs more than normal (macrosomia)
  • Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes later on life for the child
  • Stillbirth

The treatment for gestational diabetes involves being on oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) as well as insulin, right spacing of meals, making healthier choices, regular exercise and also visiting the doctor for regular check-ups to ensure that there is no progression which can further lead to complications.

There are an extensive number of people who suffer from diabetes, scientists are working tirelessly to find a cure, let us read on to find out what is the current research and if we do see a light at the end of the tunnel…

What’s ahead: research and upcoming therapies

Parents and caregivers of children or teens with Type 1 Diabetes struggle to handle the fluctuating sugar levels, they need timely assistance and guidance. Some people are able to afford lifelong management while some find it hard to make ends meet.

Keeping several factors in mind, experts have been thinking of several aspects to manage diabetes and find better strategies.

Here are quite a few interesting approaches how to get rid of Diabetes, you’ll be surprised to find out:

1.Stem cell therapy

The current research for curing Type 1 Diabetes lies in the attempt to get stem cells to the rescue! Yes! Several years of research has gone into understanding how stem cells can be converted into beta cells, the cells that basically secrete insulin and manage blood sugar levels.

6 blood sample vials.
A lot of research of diabetes cure is undergoing.

2. Environmental factors

A closer, yet indirect approach is treating the environmental factors that may increase the prevalence of developing Type 1 Diabetes.

Preventing exposure to chemicals that may pose a risk of developing autoimmunity is the main reason behind Type 1 Diabetes. This, however, still requires an extensive amount of research to understand the way this can be incorporated into an actual treatment, or if it can be used as a partner for other treatments.

3. Insulin pumps

Another treatment that is gaining a lot of popularity is the usage of insulin pumps, these however are still being studied in terms of their response to exercise and meals that are taken.

Insulin pumps seem to be more reliable for monitoring blood glucose levels. Although their cost factor becomes a challenge for quite a few.

4. Natural cure for diabetes

A novel approach towards Type 2 Diabetes is slightly more towards finding a natural treatment including bioactive compounds that can restore the ability of the body to utilise the glucose from the bloodstream.

Of course, this attempt is also to make sure that it is low cost and people are able to afford it.

5. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

One approach towards finding a cure for Type 2 Diabetes is by utilising Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) which are a group of supplements, that are used to enhance performance in the field of sports.

There is little to no evidence that supports the usage of Branched Chain Amino Acids, but scientists are performing animal studies to see if it actually works.

This is limited to the sportsmen and people who are involved in intense physical activity, as BCAA is known to enhance muscle mass and protein synthesis, which is highly essential for sports performance.

6. Pancreas transplantation

As a drastic approach, scientists have also been considering pancreas transplantation in people with severe metabolic complications. But, the reversal of diabetic complications (like chronic kidney disease) is still not possible with this approach.

Diabetes is usually not just a disturbance in the sugar levels, it comes with several cardiac complications as well, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and dyslipidemia (disturbed lipid levels).

Diabetic nephropathy (kidney complications), diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) and diabetic retinopathy (a complication of the retina in the eye) are also some of the common complications seen in diabetes.

The upcoming therapies are focussing on how to get rid of Diabetes i.e. preventing complications as well as curing diabetes.

Diabetes is a disorder that cannot be cured or reversed as of yet, but there are several approaches that are being made to find a permanent cure for diabetes. With regular exercise, set meal patterns and regular guidance on medicines from doctors, we can prevent damage to organs.

Taking the right measures at a young age is very essential, as this not only prevents the development of diabetes for the individual alone but also ensures good health for the coming generations and this way the cycle of being healthy goes on.

One such mechanism that is gaining importance is the remission of diabetes. With sheer hard work and determination, people have been able to manage their sugar levels by just strictly focussing on what they eat, when they eat and also how much they eat and also exercise!

This does not mean they have not been able to eat their favourite foods, they have definitely had their favourite foods, but have largely focussed on making healthier choices.

Seeking mental and medical help as and when needed to manage diabetes has shown good results. The road ahead is quite bumpy but not impossible.

To get personalised treatment from a group of medical experts, you can visit our website Zyla.in and enrol in our Defeating Diabetes Program. You can also download our Zyla app to start your health journey.

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