Everything you need to know about chronic kidney disease | Zyla Health

Nida Rehman
Zyla Health
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2024


Hello, curious minds, have you ever pondered answers to blazing questions like What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), and what are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease? What are its causes and treatment options? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

Imagine, under the surface of your daily existence, your kidneys are performing a symphony of filtration, but what happens when the melody becomes discordant?

CKD is a gradual, silent intruder that can compromise this harmonious process, affecting millions worldwide.

A man holding a 3-D representation of a kidney

In this blog you will explore the journey that goes through the intricacies of CKD, revealing its nuances, and understanding its whispers before they become roars.

Come on, let’s unlock the gates to understand everything you need to know about Chronic Kidney Disease and the necessary tests and diagnoses that illuminate its presence.

What is chronic kidney disease?

CKD is a chronic kidney condition in which kidneys are damaged and become incapable of performing their functions properly such as filtration of the blood.

As a result, excessive fluid and waste materials remain in the body which can lead to various other health-related complications such as heart disease and stroke.

I know now you must be thinking of “how to check if I have kidney disease?”

Relax! In this blog, you will discover every crucial information required to take care of your Kidneys. Let’s check for the symptoms so that you can correlate better

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease

CKD symptoms include:

  • Foamy/bubbly urine with an increased urge for urination
  • Swelling or Pitting Edema (ankles, hands and legs)
  • High BP and SOB (shortness of breath)
  • Puffy eyes, excessive thirst
  • Dry skin and numbness
  • Nausea, vomiting and tiredness
  • Trouble concentrating and sleeping

Need help with any of the symptoms and want to get rid of CKD? Download Zyla App or visit Zyla.in to identify the root cause & better-personalised care.

You might be wondering what causes chronic kidney disease when you come across symptoms.

No worries, Let’s further find out the major causes that affect kidney health and become a reason for CKD.

Causes of Chronic kidney disease

  • Diabetes mellitus and high BP are the two major causes of CKD.
  • Glomerulonephritis- damaged glomeruli, a filtering unit of kidneys.
  • Polycystic kidney disease- a genetic condition in which fluid-filled sacs start growing in the kidney
  • Membranous nephropathy- an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the filtering membrane.
  • Urinary tract obstruction/infection- blockage in the urinary tract results in kidney damage, kidney stones, and infection.
  • Nephrotic syndrome- excessive protein in urine
  • Vesicoureteral reflux- reverse urine flow from the bladder to the ureter
  • Pyelonephritis- recurrent kidney infections leading to inflammation in kidneys.
  • Diabetes-related nephropathy- one or more nerves damaged by diabetes mellitus

These are the few conditions by which your kidney can be easily damaged.

Now let’s talk about how to diagnose CKD and what tests detect CKD.

Bacteria are present in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Test and diagnosis for CKD

There are so many ways to diagnose CKD. The sooner you know about your condition the sooner you can get treated. There are various blood tests and urine tests to check the kidney function.

The blood test will check:

GFR (glomerular filtration rate)

It is used to determine the stage of your kidney disease. It describes how efficiently your kidneys are filtering blood.

Serum creatinine level

Creatinine is a waste product from muscle metabolism. It is normally excreted in your pee. A high creatinine level in your blood means your kidneys aren’t functioning well to get rid of creatinine.

Other tests are:-

  • Ultrasound
  • Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
  • computerized tomography(CT) scans.

Did You Know?

Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition that affects >10% of the population worldwide and is more prevalent in older people, women, and racial minorities.


You can follow these steps to preserve kidney function for a long time and to improve your kidney health.

  • Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and BP levels if you have diabetes and high BP, You can visit Zyla.in or install the Zyla App for professional guidance on your health-related concerns.
  • Avoid self-medications and painkillers, they can hamper your kidney function or increase your risk of having kidney problems.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol-containing beverages.
  • Be regular on exercises to manage weight, still struggling to lose weight easier tips? Here are a few tips to help you shed off some kilos.
  • Dietary modifications are required to prevent nutrient loss, it can be different in various stages of CKD.
  • Regularly visit a nephrologist to monitor your kidney health


If you found all the info worthy till now then you must be interested in knowing about the treatment for CKD. Let’s explore the numerous treatment options to help manage this condition and maintain optimal kidney function.

Medication for kidney diseases

Medicines for chronic kidney diseases can vary depending on the cause of your kidney disease. Your nephrologist can prescribe 1 or more medications including

  • ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors or ARB (angiotensin receptor blockers to control high BP
  • Diuretics (to eliminate extra body fluid)
  • Phosphate binders( to eliminate phosphate if kidneys can’t)
  • Arithrophytin (to build RBC’s )
  • Vitamin D and calcium to prevent bone density loss
  • Medication to control lipid profile

Kidney dialysis

It is required when there is total kidney failure. It can be fatal when can be untreated. Options for treatments include dialysis and kidney transplants.

When your kidneys cannot do the filtration there is an artificial method to remove waste from your body called dialysis.

There are two major types of dialysis:


It is a four-hour treatment in which your blood is circulated through a machine that removes waste products, excess water, and electrolytes then the blood is returned to your body, recommended thrice a week.

The process of hemodialysis

Peritoneal dialysis-

In this, a dialysis solution is placed directly into your abdomen through a catheter, the solution absorbs waste and is removed through the same catheter.

The solution is added multiple times to clean waste you can perform it by yourself.

There are two kinds of peritoneal dialysis:- CAPD( continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) and CCPD( continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis)

Kidney transplantation

It involves replacing the unhealthy kidneys with healthy kidneys to regulate normal function if you don’t opt for dialysis.

Did you know?

Kidneys filter around 180 liters of blood every day. They help keep bones strong and healthy by activating vitamin D.

Remember, Zyla Health encourages an active approach to enhance your kidney function and improve overall health by providing personalised and holistic care, empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being in the most possible way.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a complex condition that requires careful management and attention. With early detection, you can take control of your kidney health

Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular check-ups, and open communication with your healthcare team are essential to preserving kidney function and overall well-being.

Let’s prioritise your kidney health today for a healthier tomorrow!”

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