Hives (Urticaria) in adults: Condition, causes and treatments | Zyla Health

Sukriti Singh
Zyla Health
Published in
6 min readFeb 22, 2024


I think it’s safe to say that everyone wants healthy skin free of rashes and irritation. However, an allergic reaction to a certain food, an infection or emotional stress can occasionally result in urticaria or hives.

You might be surprised to hear that 20% of people will experience hives at some point in their lives. These can be bothersome or uncomfortable, but they are not dangerous or severe.

Those who are truly interested in learning more about hives, their symptoms, and the available treatment options read the blog till the end to get an accurate description.

What exactly do we mean by Hives or Urticaria?

The skin disorder commonly referred to as hives is characterized by the abrupt development of a raised, red, and itchy rash. They can appear anywhere on the body in a variety of shapes and sizes and are also referred to as welts, wheals, or nettle rashes.

Skin covered with hives

Hives are characterized by their temporary nature, which can range from a few hours to several weeks. The welts may come and go, occasionally shifting to other parts of the body. Hives can sometimes become persistent and linger longer than six weeks which is known as chronic hives.

Now that you know more about hives, let’s go on to the next section of the blog to discuss the symptoms.

Symptoms of hives (urticaria)

It’s crucial to remember that hives symptoms might differ in intensity and duration. The following are a few typical symptoms:

  1. Raised welts: Hives are mostly characterized by raised, red, or pink welts on the skin. Larger patches of elevated skin may occur when these little or large welts combine.
  2. Itching: Itching is probably the first symptom of hives. It can be moderate to severe in intensity.
  3. Swelling: The impacted skin may swell, making the welts appear more noticeable.
  4. Red or Pale Skin: The surrounding skin may seem red or pale, and the welts may be pink or red.
  5. Change in Shape and Size: Individual welts may emerge, vanish, and resurface in different locations in different shapes and sizes.
  6. Burning feeling: In addition to itching, some people may also feel a burning or stinging feeling.

It is best to speak with a healthcare provider for a clear diagnosis and recommended course of action. If you or anyone you know is experiencing hives contact us by downloading the zyla app or visiting our website

Chronic hives and their characteristics

As it is clear from the name itself, chronic hives are persistent and last longer than six weeks. Chronic hives are characterized by the following:


Chronic hives have a prolonged duration of recurrent symptoms. Some people may have hives regularly for several months or even years.


Recurrent episodes of hives with intervals of recovery are common in chronic hives. It’s difficult to say when the welts will occur because they could arrive and disappear.


Chronic hives also cause itching, much like acute hives do. Itching can vary in intensity and have a major effect on one’s quality of life.


It might be difficult to pinpoint the causes of persistent hives. Acute hives are frequently associated with particular triggers, such as allergies; however, the origin of chronic hives may be difficult to determine. Autoimmune factors might be implicated in certain situations.

You now understand the signs and symptoms of hives; in the next section, we’ll discuss the causes that can result in hives.

Causes of hives (Urticaria)

Histamine and other chemicals are released into the skin when hives occur. There are many additional possible causes for hives. The following are the main causes of hives:


Hives can be brought on by allergic reactions to a variety of foods (such as nuts, shellfish, and eggs), medicines (such as aspirin and antibiotics), insect stings or bites, and other allergens.


One of the negative effects of some drugs is hives. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and some blood pressure medications have been linked to hives in certain people.

Demonstration of medicines


Bacterial or viral illnesses can occasionally cause hives to appear. Respiratory diseases, urinary tract infections, and viral disorders are common ailments linked to hives.

Physical Factors:

For certain individuals, physical stressors or environmental factors may cause hives. This includes sweating, exposure to sunshine, pressure on the skin and exposure to cold or heat.

Stress and Emotional Factors:

In certain people, hives may develop as a result of emotional stress or anxiety.

Autoimmune illnesses:

Hives may be linked to autoimmune illnesses in some situations. Chronic hives can be associated with conditions including thyroid problems and lupus.

Having skin issues all the time might get annoying. Speak with a medical professional at Zyla right away to treat hives just by downloading the zyla app or visiting our website

Have you ever thought about available treatment options for hives?

The degree of symptoms, duration of the illness, and underlying reason (if known) all influence how hives are treated. Hives often go away on their own, but if they are severe, there are several therapeutic alternatives to think about.

The typical methods for their management are:


The main drugs for itching relief and minimizing the development of hives are antihistamines. Their mechanism of action involves obstructing the actions of histamine, a substance generated during an allergic reaction.


Corticosteroids may be used for a brief period to reduce inflammation and regulate symptoms when antihistamines alone are ineffective.


Epinephrine may be given if hives are linked to a severe allergic reaction.

Identifying Triggers:

If certain allergens, drugs or environmental variables cause hives, you must find and stay away from these triggers.

Cold compress:

Applying cool compresses can help relieve itching and inflammation due to hives.

Stress management strategies:

Relaxation exercises or counseling may be suggested if stress is found to be a contributing factor.

Women in stress

Another common stress management technique is journaling. Read Journaling — A Quick stress busting activity to know more about journaling.


Drugs that alter the immune system, including omalizumab, may be recommended for autoimmune-related persistent hives.

Nutrition management:

Fermented and processed foods as well as soy products, mushrooms, peanuts, and citrus fruits should be avoided by anyone who has hives. People with hives should prefer to eat fresh fruits and vegetables after thoroughly rinsing them in water.

Hives can be caused due to innumerable factors. Depending on the duration hives can be classified as chronic or acute. Our team at Zyla Health provides you with a range of programs to support your health.

Doctors, nutritionists and other health experts at Zyla Health can provide you with holistic approaches to manage your health issues. Visit our website or download the zyla app for a more comprehensive evaluation and treatment.

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